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Content description VCDEC019

German: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Interact with others to make decisions and solve problems to complete tasks such as obtaining goods or services, and negotiate with peers to take individual and/or collective action
  1. sharing suggestions with peers to organise class displays and events such as a German Kabarett or Karneval (Wer organisiert die Musik?; Wir können Poster machen), and agreeing or disagreeing with a suggestion, for example, Gute Idee!; Das ist/wäre super/blöd!
  2. participating in scenarios related to travelling or living in a German-speaking country, for example, staying with a host family or using transport
  3. completing tasks involving authentic or simulated transactions, such as shopping for clothes or comparing similar offers for goods in online catalogues on German-language internet sites, for example, Ich möchte diese Hose anprobieren. Haben Sie Größe 38?; 30 Euro? Das ist sehr preiswert.
  4. completing an application form for services such as online memberships or for opportunities such as student exchange programs or scholarships, and explaining reasons for applying
  5. discussing and negotiating a resolution to a problem, such as a disagreement with a parent, sibling or classmate about having to share a room or computer (Was soll ich tun? Ich kann es nicht haben, wenn … .), or making a complaint about unsatisfactory goods or services (Ich habe eine vegetarische Pizza bestellt, aber … .; Die Hose ist die falsche Gröβe. Ich möchte mein Geld zurück.
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