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Content description VCDEC026

German: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Create bilingual texts such as captions, glossaries or footnotes to interpret cultural and linguistic aspects of texts
  1. providing bilingual captions for images of scenes from Australia and German-speaking countries to explain cultural aspects, for example, bush, forest, mountain, beach or city images
  2. creating websites or printed guides for international students intending to attend Australian schools, highlighting key terms and expressions associated with traditions, curricula, schedules or routines, and including footnotes as necessary
  3. providing vocabulary lists and annotated cultural explanations for German-speaking visitors to events such as Australian sports days, swimming carnivals or family barbecues, explaining terms such as ‘BYO (food/chair)’
  4. creating English captions, commentaries or subtitles for German multimodal texts to explain cultural and linguistic aspects
ScOT catalogue terms
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