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Content description VCDEC104

German: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in guided group activities using simple repetitive language in songs, rhymes, games and transactions
  1. participating in songs, rhymes and chants by singing and using actions, for example, Kopf, Schulter, Knie und Fuß; 1, 2, Polizei
  2. playing games such as Hatschi Patschi, Hier ist Platz, Lotto and Stille Post and using associated language, for example, related to turn-taking (Wer ist dran? Ich bin dran) and forming groups using numbers or colours (Blau ist hier; Gruppe 2 ist hier)
  3. following a model to create a shared digital/online text, such as adding key information on a class invitation (Wann? Was? Wer? Wo?)
  4. making choices in routine activities such as the selection of a song from the class songbook, for example, responding to the question Was singen wir heute?
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