German: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Engage with a range of imaginative texts through action, dance, singing, drawing, shared reading and collaborative retelling
responding to imaginative print and digital texts, such as stories, rhymes or cartoons, by performing excerpts of texts or creating their own texts, using repetitive actions, gestures and words/sentences, and sequencing pictures from the text to reflect the correct order of events
expressing a personal opinion of a text, for example, Das ist lustig/komisch/langweilig
drawing their favourite character or scene from stories, rhymes, songs or cartoons such as Schnappi and attaching/writing a simple evaluative statement, for example, … ist fantastisch. Ich mag …
performing the story of a book, for example, Wir gehen auf Bärenjagd, Der Baum und das Mädchen, Weißt du wie lieb ich dich hab?
reading or viewing English and German versions of a familiar print or digital text such as ‘Spot’/Flecki or ‘Bob the Builder’/Bob der Baumeister, and noticing similarities and differences
responding in German or English to questions about a text, for example, Wer ist das?; War das eine gute Idee?; Und dann … ?
contributing to a collaborative retelling of a text using prompts such as pictures, cut-outs or puppets