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Content description VCDEC112

German: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Notice similarities and differences when using German compared to own language, such as how it feels, sounds and looks, and involves behaviours as well as words
  1. recognising that some German language use is similar to English, such as greetings used according to the time of day and the formality of a situation, for example, Guten Morgen and Morgen! Tag! Hallo!
  2. noticing similarities and differences in cultural practices and stating own reactions to the language used, for example, Das ist anders/gleich when noticing such things as how a child beginning school is celebrated in a German-speaking country with a Schultüte or how a German speaker wishes others luck with Daumen drücken
  3. describing how it feels to use German, such as when singing a song or hearing German spoken by others, and noticing differences in behaviour, voice or body language when speaking German
  4. comparing aspects of Australian and German children’s lifestyles, for example, ways of playing games, buying or eating food, interacting with family members and participating in school life
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