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Content description VCDEC124

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Present information in modelled spoken and written texts relating to personal, social and natural worlds
  1. introducing family members and friends, identifying relationships and cultural backgrounds (Das ist mein Opa. Er kommt aus China.), using simple descriptive language and supporting resources to enhance meaning
  2. collecting information about one another’s likes, dislikes or interests, using checklists, surveys or question cues to present a class profile, chart or database, for example, Lieblingstiere, Lieblingssport, Lieblingsserie, Lieblingsmusik
  3. selecting information gained from print, visual or digital texts to design a class book or digital display, for example, details of animals and their habitats and/or food from a zoo website or a children’s documentary film about wild animals (Der Affe wohnt im Dschungel)
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