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Content description VCDEC140

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Gather, compare and respond to information from different sources relating to social and natural worlds
  1. collecting and comparing information from a range of informative print media and digital texts on topics related to social and environmental issues, for example, family life, schooling in different cultural contexts, endangered animals, or innovative technology
  2. obtaining information from simple texts such as advertisements or features in teen magazines to share impressions of the lifestyles of young German speakers in different contexts
  3. viewing subtitled video clips on different German-speaking communities, identifying key facts and features, and recording new vocabulary and expressions for use in shared texts
  4. compiling information from a survey of peers and adults on social behaviours and reporting on results, for example, mode of transport to school/work (zu Fuβ, mit dem Rad/Bus/Auto) and how environmentally friendly it is, or preferred modes of communication (Hast du ein Handy? Wie oft telefonierst/simst du? Wie oft schaust du einen YouTube clip an?)
  5. viewing a news item or short documentary about a festival in a German-speaking country, such as die Basler Fasnacht or Karneval in Köln, describing and giving an opinion on the main aspects, for example, Ich finde die Fasnacht in Basel super. Ich mag die Masken und die Musik. Aber ich möchte nicht um 4 Uhr aufstehen.
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