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Content description VCDEC142

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas in imaginative texts, making connections with own experience and feelings
  1. producing a timeline of the main events of an imaginative text or creating a sociogram illustrating how the main character links with other characters
  2. responding to a text such as a poem by selecting an appropriate image to illustrate an aspect (message, mood) and explaining choice, for example, Das ist die Sonne. Die Sonne ist heiß und gelb. Die Sonne scheint im Sommer. Ich bin glücklich, wenn die Sonne scheint.
  3. using modelled structures such as Das Ende war lustig/traurig/blöd or Die Hauptperson war sehr mutig/schön/schlau to express a personal opinion on aspects of a text, such as the beginning, ending, plot and characters
  4. creating storyboards to represent key events in different types of imaginative texts, including captions or word bubbles to capture moods or feelings, for example, using a digital cartoon tool
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