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Content description VCDEC163

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Participate in intercultural experiences, demonstrating awareness of the importance of shared understanding, and reflecting on adjustments made as a result of reactions and responses
  1. participating in cultural experiences, such as eating at a Swiss restaurant/café in Australia, watching a German soccer match or Austrian skiing competition, or listening to a pop group performance on Radio Liechtenstein, and reflecting on cultural similarities and differences that are manifested through language
  2. reflecting on how some personal or community ideas and actions in the Australian context may be perceived by German speakers, for example, being able to go camping all year round or taking into account the vastness of Australia when planning a holiday, and discussing possible implications
  3. observing and recording aspects of language (such as register and use of the imperative) and cultural behaviour that need to be modified when communicating in German, depending on audience and social context
  4. reflecting on and explaining which aspects of culture and language use can be comfortably adopted and where adjustments should be made, such as the use of Sie and titles (Herr Dr. Meier), wearing of Hausschuhe, placing payment and receiving change on a tray rather than in the hand in a shop
  5. providing advice for others in intercultural situations where it is difficult to make oneself understood clearly or to understand the other speaker
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