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Content description VCDEC174

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Investigate, synthesise and evaluate information from different perspectives on local and global issues, identifying how context and culture affect how information is presented
  1. analysing and explaining how spoken, written and digital texts convey cultural as well as factual information, for example, regional news headlines, local community announcements, advertisements, notices in public spaces
  2. researching a topic of global significance, such as Umweltprobleme, Armut or Denglish, and identifying and explaining how texts reflect different perspectives and priorities
  3. comparing and analysing advertisements produced in different countries for Stellenangebote or an item such as a mobile phone, soft drink or fast food, considering why particular images have been selected for the advertisements and why, and identifying both culture-specific and universal features
  4. analysing reports of an event from multiple sources to identify different perspectives and interpretations, for example, statements from the victim of and witnesses to a crime
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