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Content description VCDEU133

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Identify the purposes of familiar personal, informative and imaginative texts such as maps, calendars and fairy tales, and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve these purposes
  1. classifying a range of digital and other texts such as fairy tales, recipes, instructions, advertisements, greeting cards, maps or songs according to their purpose(s) (such as to entertain, describe or instruct), discussing and justifying choices in English
  2. comparing wall calendars from a German-speaking country and Australia in terms of structure, public holidays, pictorial representation of seasons, and cultural influences
  3. identifying and comparing the features of different types of texts, such as a cookery book, a picture storybook or a comic
  4. discussing the structure of shared reading texts, identifying sentences, questions, answers and greetings (Satz, Frage, Antwort and Gruß), and recognising how different textual elements such as title, layout, script and images combine to make meaning
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