Digital Technologies / Levels 3 and 4 / Data and Information
Content description
Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems
selecting appropriate formats or layout styles to present data as information depending on the type of data and the audience, for example graphs suit data that shows trends or comparisons; lists suit text data that needs to be presented in alphabetical order; animations suit images that show actions and relationships
using different techniques to present data as information, for example creating a column chart in a spreadsheet by colouring cells to represent different items
improving the appearance and usability of data, for example using colour, headings and labelling of images to organise and accurately identify data
using software to sort and calculate data when solving problems, for example sorting numerical data in ascending or descending order and automating simple arithmetic calculations using nearby cells and summing cell ranges in spreadsheet or database software
exploring different online sources to access data, for example using online query interfaces to select and retrieve data from an online database such as a library catalogue or weather records
recognising that all types of data are stored in digital systems and may be represented in different ways such as files and folders with names and icons