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Content description VCDTDI028

Digital Technologies / Levels 5 and 6 / Data and Information
Content description
Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information
  1. using digital systems to validate data, for example setting data types in a spreadsheet to make sure a date is input correctly
  2. selecting and using peripheral devices suitable to the data type, for example using a data probe to collect numeric data about changing soil temperatures for plants, interpreting the data and sharing the results as a digital graph
  3. recognising the difference between numerical, text and date formats in spreadsheets
  4. using software to automate calculations to help with interpreting data, for example using functions to make arithmetic calculations using multiple cells and summing cell ranges
  5. acquiring data from online sources by narrowing the focus, for example filtering data using provided options or performing queries using advanced search functions
  6. using data visualisation software to help in interpreting trends, for example uploading data to a web application and building a visualisation of the dataset
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