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Content description VCEALC087

EAL / Level A2 / Communication
Content description
Understand key information in a short spoken or multimodal text
  1. identifying familiar words used in a spoken text, such as basic vocabulary, animal names, colours
  2. understanding common sentence structures that make connections between ideas, for example ‘I like pets and having fun’
  3. using questions to help identify relevant items of information, for example Student 1: ‘What colour was it?’ Student 2: ‘It was blue’
  4. pointing to parts of pictures that are mentioned in the text or conversation
  5. identifying key points of information from short spoken texts with reduced visual support
  6. understanding key information after viewing digital and multimodal texts, such as age-appropriate television shows or movies
  7. listening to a story and then retelling or sequencing the story using pictures
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