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Content description VCELC028

Modern Greek: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Consider how cultural identity influences interactions in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts such as Australia
  1. developing an understanding of contemporary life in diverse Greek-speaking communities, for example, through viewing excerpts from Greek films, and reflecting on similarities and differences to own lifestyle
  2. preparing a family tree with information such as languages spoken by family members, significant places/countries, and reflecting on how background can shape identity, Μιλώ αγγλικά, Είμαι Καναδός, Η μαμά μου μιλά ελληνικά και γαλλικά, ο παππούς μου είναι Άγγλος
  3. exploring how cultural identity is manifested in Australian and Greek-speaking communities, for example, through family occasions, community events and festivals, reflecting on the importance of shared understanding
  4. reflecting on the experience of learning and using Greek, considering how it may add a further dimension to own sense of identity
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