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Content description VCELC142

Modern Greek: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Listen to, read and view imaginative spoken, written, digital or multimodal texts and respond by expressing ideas and opinions about the storyline and characters
  1. responding to stories, myths, fables and films, using modelled language to describe themes, characters and actions, for example, Είναι σε βάρκα, είναι σε σπηλιά, είναι τέρας, είναι πόλεμος, ο ήρωας κέρδισε
  2. producing storyboards, using digital technologies, to represent key events in different types of imaginative texts, including captions or word bubbles to capture moods or feelings, for example, Μου αρέσει, Δε μου αρέσει
  3. introducing and comparing favourite characters in stories, myths, fables and films, listing associated key words or expressions, for example, O Οδυσσέας είναι γενναίος. Η Κίρκη είναι μάγισσα. Φοβάμαι. Είναι φοβερό τέρας.
  4. commenting on elements of humour and drama, and the use of sound effects and facial expressions relating to the characters depicted in stories, myths and fables, for example, Φοβάμαι, είναι αστείο, γελώ με ...
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