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Content description VCELU029

Modern Greek: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise and reproduce Greek sound–letter relationships and combinations in spoken and written forms and key features of pronunciation, rhythm and stress, including some irregularities
  1. recognising the differences in tone and rhythm between questions, exclamations and commands, for example, Σοβαρά, Αμέσως, Ετοιμάσου Γρήγορα! Τι λες!
  2. recognising and reproducing rhythms in more complex sentences, using pausing and intonation to signal emphasis
  3. understanding the role of pronunciation, rhythm and pace in creating effects and relationships in oral texts, such as songs, stories, poems and conversations, for example, in the song ‘Καλημέρα, τι κάνεις;’
  4. identifying differences in sounds, such as γγ, γκ, τζ, τσ, μπ, ντ, αϊ, άι, -ασμα (διάβασμα) and using them appropriately when writing
  5. experimenting with pronunciation rules and intonation collaboratively with peers, for example, αυ, ευ, τσ, τζ, αι, ββ, λλ, ρρ, ττ, ιου, ιο/ιό, ειο/ειου
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