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Content description VCELU119

Modern Greek: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Understanding / Role of language and culture
Content description
Recognise that the languages people use reflect their culture, such as who they are, where and how they live, and find examples of similarities and differences between Greek and their own ways of communicating
  1. exploring the meaning of ‘culture’, considering different lifestyles and symbols such as flags, including the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag
  2. understanding that traditional cultures reflect conditions and resources in particular environments and contribute to the sustainability of communities
  3. exploring the significance of different cultural practices, activities and games, for example, using a κομπολόι, making wreaths for 1 May, making masks or kites for Απόκριες
  4. recognising words that reflect aspects of culture, for example, γλέντι, κέφι, χρόνια πολλά, όπα!
  5. understanding that particular Australian English terms and expressions have no equivalent in Greek, for example, ‘billabong’, ‘corroboree’, ‘the bush’
  6. recognising features of Greek language interactions which may be similar to own ways of communicating, such as politely speaking to an adult, or different from own ways of communicating, for example, physical contact when farewelling someone
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