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Content description VCELU166

Modern Greek: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Apply knowledge of grammatical features, such as tense, voice, regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, pronouns and adjectives, and use conjunctions to construct compound and complex sentences
  1. using a range of tenses and voices to describe routines and actions
  2. using a range of regular and irregular verbs to develop sentence structures, for example, Χτες είδα το Γιάννη και μου είπε τα νέα
  3. using adjectives to describe and compare people and aspects of the immediate environment, for example, O Γιάννης είναι ψηλός αλλά η Μαρία είναι πιο ψηλή/ψηλότερη, and using simple word order (subject–verb–object), for example, Η Άννα τρώει καρπούζι
  4. using adverbs to modify and intensify the meaning of verbs and adjectives, for example, αρκετά, πολύ, λίγο
  5. using pronouns such as αυτός, κάτι, as substitutes in sentences
  6. recognising that some Greek nouns do not always reflect their grammatical gender, for example, in η γιατρός
  7. using suffixes to vary and intensify the meaning of nouns, adjectives and adverbs, for example, to create diminutives/augmentatives such as μικρούλι, γατούλα, σπιτάκι, Γιαννάκης, ομαδάρα, σπιταρόνα
  8. creating compound and complex sentences by using conjunctions, for example, Δε θα πάω στο σχολείο την Τετάρτη, γιατί θα πάω στη Μελβούρνη με την οικογένειά μου
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