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Content description VCESC133

Spanish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Create short imaginative texts such as dialogues and stories using modelled language
  1. creating simple imaginative texts to share with younger learners of Spanish, such as digital or print storybooks, anagrams or shape poems, using modelled language and digital programs such as Vokis
  2. using gestures, movements and facial expressions to enhance characterisation or effect in the performance of action songs, raps or plays
  3. contributing to shared writing activities such as a class story in response to an event or experience, for example, a visit to the zoo or a virtual visit to a famous place
  4. creating and performing alternative versions of or endings to known stories such as Caperucita verde or action songs, using voice, rhythm and gestures to animate characters
  5. experimenting with sounds, pronunciation and vocabulary to create alternative versions of familiar songs or rhymes learnt in class, for example, ‘La vaca loca’, ‘La serpiente de tierra caliente’
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