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Content description VCESU013

Spanish: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Understand and use the main elements of the Spanish grammatical system, including definite and indefinite articles, gender and number agreement, present tense of regular and common irregular verbs, and simple sentence construction, paying attention to word order
  1. using appropriate definite and indefinite articles that match the noun in gender and number (el, la, los, las, un, una, unos, unas) and noticing some special cases (el día, el idioma, la mano, la foto)
  2. identifying people and things using concrete nouns and applying rules for gender and number agreement, for example, niño/s, niña/s; profesor/es, profesora/s
  3. observing gender in patterns of naming, for example, Julio/Julia, Ramón/Ramona, José María/María José
  4. developing awareness of word endings and gender patterns, for example, el/la ...ista, el/la ...ante, la ...ción, la, el ...or, el ...aje, el ...ero/la ...era
  5. describing the qualities of people and things using adjectives and matching them in gender and number with the nouns, paying attention to word order and to the different types of gender variation, for example, los pantalones largos/ las faldas largas, el estudiante trabajador/la estudiante trabajadora, el libro interesante/la película interesante, el sombrero azul/la casa azul
  6. expressing ownership using singular and plural possessive adjectives, following the agreement rules for gender and number with the noun, for example, mis padres, nuestras amigas, sus libros, mi clase, vuestro profesor, tu madre
  7. using determiners such as demonstratives (este, ese, aquel/esta, esa, aquella), cardinal and ordinal numbers (uno, dos, tres,.../ primero/a, segundo/a, tercero/a,...) and basic quantifiers (mucho/a/os/as, bastante/s, poco/a/os/as), attending to gender and number agreement when necessary
  8. understanding the form and function of subject pronouns (yo, tú, vos, él, ella, usted, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as, ustedes), how they substitute for noun subjects and determine verb endings in conjugations, for example, Esta es María, la hermana de Juan. Ella está en la escuela primaria y él está en el año 8
  9. understanding and using the three conjugations for the present tense of regular verbs (,,, and the present tense of commonly used irregular verbs, for example, ser, estar, tener, ir, hacer, querer, jugar
  10. recognising that there are two versions of the verb ‘to be’ in Spanish and identifying the main uses of ser and estar, for example, soy Alicia, estoy bien, somos australianos, estamos en clase de español
  11. developing awareness that different verbs are used in English and Spanish for for certan phrases such as, Tengo 12 años (lit. I have 12 years) = I am 12 years old, ¿tienes hambre?(lit. Do you have hunger?=Are you hungry?, hace frío (lit. it does cold)=It is cold
  12. increasing vocabulary by observing patterns and using cognates, for example, animal, normal, actor
  13. understanding and using reflexive verbs, for example, me llamo Luis, ¿a qué hora te levantas?, los sábados nos acostamos tarde
  14. using verb conjugations in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms, for example, ¿Eres australiana? No, no soy australiana, soy china ¿Y tú, qué idiomas hablas? Hablo chino, inglés y español
  15. understanding the use of verbs such as gustar, encantar, doler and interesar, for example, ¿qué deportes te gustan?, me encanta correr, me duele la cabeza, nos interesan las películas de acción
  16. identifying the gerund and infinitive non-personal forms of verbs and using them to express the development of action in the present with the verb estar (está hablando, estoy escribiendo) and the idea of future with the verb ir, for example, Esta tarde voy a hacer los deberes, mañana vamos a jugar al tenis
  17. seeking information using interrogatives, for example, ¿qué ...?, ¿cómo ...?, ¿cuándo ...?, ¿quién ...?, ¿dónde ...? ¿cuántos/as ...?, ¿por qué ...?
  18. describing when and where an action occurs using prepositions and adverbs of time and place (a, de, desde, en, entre, hasta, antes, después, ahora, hoy, mañana, debajo, encima) and the contractions al (a+el) and del (de+el)
  19. expressing modality using adverbs such as bien, mal, regular, despacio, rápidamente
  20. following basic formulaic instructions expressed in the imperative for example, abran el libro, lee la página 20, escuchad, salgan de clase, escribid en los cuadernos ....
  21. linking ideas using cohesive devices such as conjunctions, for example, y (e), o(u), pero, porque
  22. recognising the functions of elements such as prefixes and suffixes and their importance in word building and changing meaning, for example, repasar, repaso, casa, casita, caserón, casero, jugar, un juego, jugador
  23. building metalanguage to talk in Spanish about grammar and vocabulary, for example, infinitivo, presente, género, masculino, femenino, número, singular, plural, adjetivo, sustantivo, forma negativa e interrogativa, and comparing with equivalent terms in English
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