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Content description VCESU193

Spanish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Apply complex grammatical rules such as those relating to reflexive verbs and subjunctive and conditional moods, and use cohesive devices to link and extend ideas in own spoken and written texts
  1. extending the use of negative forms (no voy nunca, en ningún momento, no tengo nada, tú tampoco, no hay nadie) and understanding the difference between a reflexive verb and its corresponding non –reflexive verb, for example, Gerardo se lava la cara (reflexive) and Gerardo lava su carro (non-reflexive)
  2. using subjunctive mood to express doubt, uncertainty or emotion, for example, dudo que vengas, siento que estés enferma, me alegra que hayas terminado tus estudios
  3. expressing hypothetical events using conditional voice, for example, Sería interesante estudiar chino or Yo viajaría, pero no tengo dinero
  4. using cohesive devices to sequence ideas, for example, aunque, a pesar de, sin embargo
  5. describing events across time (past, present and future), choosing appropriate tenses
  6. developing metalanguage to extend discussion of grammatical features such as word order, tenses and subjunctive mood, and using terms such as ‘verbs’, ‘nouns’, ‘conditional’, ‘subjunctive’ and ‘simple past’
  7. describing people and things using:
    • comparatives and superlatives, for example, Ella es la más inteligente de la clase, Este jardín es lindísimo, Este jugo es el peor de todos
    • acronyms, for example, MERCOSUR, EEUU, UE, ONU
    • diminutives, for example, gatito, mesita, negrito
  8. persuading, encouraging and advising others by using imperative verb forms, for example, vaya a la cancha, vamos al descanso, piénsalo bien, piénselo bien
  9. exploring how word choices (such as selection of particular nouns and adjectives) can indicate values and attitudes, for example, Ese joven no sirve para nada/Es un joven valiente. Ellos son ilegales/Ellos son los refugiados
  10. using the pasiva refleja or impersonal form with se for example, Se venden casas, ¿Cómo se dice...?
  11. using idiomatic language such as proverbs (Lo cortés no quita lo valiente, El hábito no hace al monje) and idioms (me puse las botas, no pedir peras al olmo)
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