French: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Create simple print or digital texts that use both French and English, such as labels, word banks, wall charts or ID cards
collecting French and English words that are similar or identical and have the same meaning but are pronounced differently, for example, la police, la table, la routine, six
designing and using bilingual fiches personnelles with identifying details supplied in both languages, for example, nom, prénom(s), ȃge, mes amis sont…, j’habite…, j’aime…
writing captions in French and in English for a photographic display to record a class event or experience such as sports day, school camp or pets day
making own bilingual picture dictionaries with captions, stickers and simple descriptions to explain culture-specific terms such as la bise, le goûter or la rentrée