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Content description VCFRC010

French: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Notice how using French feels and sounds different to using own language(s) and involves behaviours as well as words
  1. noticing French ways of talking and behaving that appear different to own ways, finding examples in children’s stories such as Marie de Paris or Je veux pas aller à l’école or in recordings of French-speaking children in different contexts
  2. comparing aspects of Australian and French children’s lifestyles, such as ways of playing games, buying and eating food or interacting with family members, for example, school cantine meals, daily greetings in the family
  3. using French versions of spontaneous exclamations or interactions, for example, Aïe! instead of ouch!, or ça va! plus hand gestures or facial expressions when responding to a greeting
  4. including some French words and expressions in English conversation when it feels appropriate (for example, bon…voilà, pardon, merci, attention!), noticing changes in behaviour, voice or body language when speaking French
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