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Content description VCFRC021

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Follow the teacher’s instructions and use simple questions, statements and gestures to support own learning, such as asking for help or permission or attracting attention
  1. responding to instructions such as Encore une fois; montre-moi; chantez plus fort; regarde les photos, écoutez, écrivez/tapez la phrase
  2. requesting help or clarification, for example, Je ne comprends pas; répétez s’il vous plaȋt; j’ai une question…
  3. negotiating turns (for example, C’est à toi? Non, c’est à moi), and praising and evaluating each other, for example, Super! Pas mal. Bon travail! Excellent! Bravo!
  4. developing and displaying classroom rules and routines, deciding on priorities such as le respect, la politesse and la co-opération
  5. using appropriate language to ask for help or to attract attention, for example, Monsieur, s’il vous plaȋt! Je ne comprends pas
  6. rehearsing words, phrases or interjections which can be used as ‘hooks’ or fillers in conversation, such as ah bon … voilà…eh bien…alors
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