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Content description VCFRC023

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Present factual information about self, others, and home and school life, using graphic support such as photos, maps or charts
  1. using simple descriptive language and supporting resources to introduce family members and friends, identifying relationships (c’est mon cousin/ma sœur/ma grand-mère/mon copain) and cultural backgrounds (il est chinois/espagnol/australien)
  2. collecting information about each other’s likes, dislikes or interests, using checklists, surveys or question cues such as combien de…? à quelle heure…? to create a class profile, chart or database, for example, les sports préférés, les plats de choix
  3. presenting information on events or topics of possible interest to French children of their own age (for example, les fêtes d’anniversaire, les vacances or les copains), using multimodal resources and realia support and building vocabulary to describe actions and feelings
  4. creating a class book or digital display about topics they have been studying in French and/or other curriculum areas, for example, les animaux sauvages au zoo/dans la nature
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