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Content description VCFRC039

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Use questions, statements and responses to participate in learning activities, to indicate understanding and to monitor learning
  1. indicating understanding or asking for help, using comments such as Oui, je comprends; non, je ne comprends pas; c’est trop compliqué! c’est quoi ça?
  2. consulting each other when completing individual or group activities, for example, c’est juste? montre-moi; comme ça? comment ça s’écrit?
  3. negotiating tasks and shared activities, for example, Tu préfères lire ou écrire? moi, je préfère travailler sur l’ordinateur
  4. checking on progress during learning tasks or activities, using comments and questions such as C’est fini? Pas encore, bientôt..; tu comprends, toi?
  5. sharing ideas about the experience of learning and using French, comparing what they can and cannot do, for example, Je sais compter jusqu’à cent; je sais chanter 5 chansons; Tu aimes parler en français? c’est difficile! Je n’aime pas parler au téléphone. J’adore jouer au foot en français!
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