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Content description VCFRC040

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Gather and compare information from a range of sources relating to social and cultural worlds
  1. extracting points of information from sources such as websites, books and magazines on social and environmental issues such as le recyclage or la conservation de l’eau, and recording key phrases and vocabulary for use in group projects
  2. conducting surveys with peers and family members to report on social behaviours such as preferred modes of communication, for example, le téléphone, le courriel, les conversations face à face, les textos
  3. drawing from a range of informative texts such as videos, books and websites to collect and compare information on topics such as family life, housing or schooling in different cultural contexts, for example, la campagne, les villes, les appartements
  4. viewing subtitled video clips on different francophone communities, commenting on key facts and features, and recording new vocabulary and expressions for use in shared texts
  5. working with simple informative texts such as advertisements, video clips or features in teen magazines to share impressions of the lifestyles of young French speakers in different contexts
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