Organise and present information and ideas on different topics, issues or events, comparing perspectives and experiences
organising and presenting information to raise awareness or invite action in relation to social or community issues, using multimodal forms of presentation such as sound and visual images or websites with hyperlinks
classifying information obtained from different print and electronic resources in a shared database of categories, themes and genres, showing relationships between ideas, topics and key language
presenting findings related to the investigation of a social or cultural issue (for example, la mode et les codes vestimentaires: l’influence des marques), summarising opinions and attitudes collected from surveys, interviews or media sources
conveying information and ideas by matching language features and text types to topics and themes, for example, using emotive images and captions to highlight issues such as la faim or l’égalité des sexes, or rap rhythms and punchlines to engage with controversial ideas or provoke reactions
combining modes of presentation such as displays, videos or music to explore social and cultural themes, for example, l’Australie et les régions asiatiques, or le multiculturalisme