Create bilingual texts such as glossaries, menus, captions or brochures, identifying words or expressions that carry specific cultural meaning in either language
creating glossaries for French-speaking friends to accompany Australian images or texts, explaining, for example, outback lifestyle, inner-city markets, abbreviations such as ‘barbie’ and ‘brekkie’
composing menus or programs for French-themed events, including footnotes in English to explain key terms or items, for example, le plat du jour, service compris, l’entr’acte, la mise en scène
creating tourist brochures or itineraries for young Australian travellers to French- speaking regions or countries, supplying key words, phrases and cultural protocols, for example, Encore une fois, s’il vous plaȋt; je vais prendre ceci, ça coûte combien? où sont les toilettes? Je vous remercie, Madame — Je vous en prie, Madame