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Content description VCFRC096

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Engage with imaginative and creative texts such as stories, poems, songs or cartoons, comparing favourite elements, and discussing characters, events, themes and effects
  1. responding to questions about characters or events in different types of imaginative texts, and listing and using associated key words or expressions
  2. interacting with texts such as stories, poems, songs or cartoons, using modelled and scaffolded language to express opinions, for example, trop triste, si amusant, affreux; pour moi les images…; personnellement, je préfère…
  3. noticing and engaging with rhythm, intonation and imagery used to build mood and meaning in poems, songs and performances, and experimenting with language, voice and actions to create similar effects in own re-enactments
  4. listening to or viewing texts such as songs, raps or film and video clips, and noticing ideas and comparing aspects that may be similar or different across cultures
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