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Content description VCFRC100

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Engage with French speakers and resources, noticing how interaction involves culture as well as language
  1. reflecting on choices made when using French to interact with others, and considering the relationship between language, culture and behaviour, for example, using names or titles and familiar or formal terms of address (Salut, Leila, ça va? Bonjour, Madame Michou, comment allez-vous?)
  2. interacting with French speakers online, noticing and responding to expressions or behaviours that are unfamiliar, for example, use of gestures, exclamations, or sigles such as MDR (mort de rire)
  3. sharing ideas about the experience of learning and using French, including any perceived changes in levels of confidence, or in attitudes towards and understanding of culture and intercultural communication
  4. observing interactions between French speakers in different contexts, noticing and recording elements that reflect cultural attitudes or behaviours, for example, language associated with politeness or emotion (je vous en prie, je suis désolé)
  5. participating in guided discussion of the nature and role of ‘culture’ and its relationship with language, with reference to French, English and other known languages
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