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Content description VCFRC101

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Notice own and others’ ways of expressing identity, and consider the relationship between language, culture and identity
  1. talking about own identities in terms of cultural background and personal and social experience, using declarative and descriptive statements, for example, je suis australien d’origine italienne; je parle vietnamien et anglais; je suis membre de l’équipe…
  2. preparing a class profile to exchange with French-speaking students, showing cultural backgrounds, languages used in the home, interests and values, and using resources such as photos, captions, quotes and symbols
  3. considering the impact of stereotypes on how texts are understood and intercultural experiences interpreted
  4. sharing personal reactions and feelings when using French, using prompts such as: Am I the same ‘me’ when speaking French? Does my identity change? How do I feel when…?
  5. observing others’ ways of communicating, identifying elements of language or behaviour that might be unfamiliar to people from different cultures or communities, for example, ways of addressing people and expressing wishes, rituals associated with school sports, and the use of body language
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