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Content description VCFRU033

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Understand that different ways of using French reflect different regions and countries, different relationships and different ways of making meaning
  1. recognising that there are many different varieties of French spoken in different countries and regions, involving different accents, dialects and vocabulary, for example, un pain au chocolat/une chocolatine in the south of France
  2. reflecting on how they communicate with their own family and friends and with people less close to them, noticing differences in language use and communicative behaviour
  3. understanding how changes in voice and body language can change the meaning of words, for example, Tu aimes les devoirs? (simple question) versus Tu aimes les devoirs? (expressing surprise, disbelief); C’est mon petit frère (statement) versus C’est mon petit frère! (pride)
  4. finding examples of shortened noun forms in colloquial French (such as le resto, le frigo, le foot, le prof), comparing with the use of abbreviations in Australian English (such as ‘brekkie’, ‘ambo’ and ‘arvo’), and considering when or how they are used
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