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Content description VCFRU102

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise and use features of the French sound system, including pitch, rhythm, stress and intonation
  1. developing awareness of French sounds, rhythms and intonation patterns, including those with no English equivalents, for example, -u (tu), -r (très vite) and -ion (attention)
  2. becoming familiar with the vowel system in French, including nasalised vowels such as plein, bon, and semi-vowels such as famille, oui
  3. distinguishing vowel sounds (for example by recognising distinctions between nasal vowel sounds such as cinq, sympa, manger, entre, dont, des bonbons), and experimenting with pronunciation of consonant–vowel combinations, for example by using virelangues such as un chasseur sachant chasser…, six cent six saucissons suisses…
  4. using the French alphabet for spelling out names or expressions, noticing similarities and differences to English and using correct terminology for accents (accent aigu, accent cédille, accent circonflexe)
  5. recognising differences in intonation and rhythm between statements, questions and commands (Vous écoutez la chanson. Vous écoutez la chanson? Ecoutez la chanson!)
  6. using appropriate intonation for common fillers, interjections and responses such as hein?, bon, beh…, n’est-ce pas? Oh là là!, Aïe!, Youpi! Ça alors…
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