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Content description VCFRU121

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Extend grammatical knowledge, including the forms and functions of reflexive verbs, verb moods and modality and the imperfect tense
  1. understanding additional negative forms such as ne…plus, ne…rien, ne…jamais, ne…que, ne…personne
  2. understanding the function of comparative and superlative forms of adverbs and adjectives, for example, vite, plus vite, le plus vite; moins jolie, la moins jolie
  3. extending knowledge of le passé composé, understanding that verbs conjugated with être require agreement of the past participle with the subject (elles sont parties hier soir), and that verbs conjugated with avoir require agreement between the past participle and preceding direct object (les fleurs que tu as achetées sont si belles)
  4. understanding the function and use of relative pronouns (qui, que), emphatic pronouns (eux, elle), and direct and indirect object pronouns (la, lui, nous, leur)
  5. using l’imparfait tense, understanding how to distinguish between a completed and a continuing action in the past (nous étions déjà au lit quand il est arrivé)
  6. understanding the form and function of reflexive verbs (for example, se laver, se lever, se presenter), including the use of être and agreements in le passé composé
  7. understanding the function of impersonal expressions such as il faut, on peut, on doit…
  8. recognising how grammatical choices shade meaning and establish register, for example, use of tu or vous to distinguish relationship; use of nous to suggest inclusivity or shared identity; use of on to suggest distance
  9. developing metalanguage to talk in French and English about word order, verb moods, tenses or agreements, for example, le passé composé, le verbe auxiliaire, les adjéctifs possessifs, l’accord du participe passé
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