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Content description VCFRU123

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Recognise that French is used in varying ways to achieve different purposes
  1. comparing spoken and written texts such as apologies or invitations to identify how differences in grammar and text features determine the nature of interactions, for example, formal or informal (je t’invite! Nous serions très heureux de vous accueillir chez nous)
  2. observing forms of communication in different situations, and explaining how elements such as body language and use of personal space or silence contribute to the nature of the interaction and reflect status or relationship
  3. examining the power of language to influence actions and beliefs (for example, analysing the wording of appels de secours d’urgence: nous sommes de tout cœur avec les communautés dévastées…), and noticing the use of grammatical choices to include or exclude, for example, vous les autres… nous les jeunes…
  4. recognising how diversity of expression and language forms reflects the diversity of individual and community perspectives and experiences
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