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Content description VCGGC076

Geography / Levels 3 and 4 / Geographical Concepts and Skills / Data and information
Content description
Interpret maps and other geographical data and information to develop identifications, descriptions, explanations and conclusions, using geographical terminology including simple grid references, compass direction and distance
  1. constructing tables or graphs to show the similarities and differences between places, and discussing possible reasons for them
  2. discussing and comparing how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may represent places and their features visually, for example, in paintings and sand drawings, and identifying the symbols and patterns used.
  3. comparing a range of thematic maps, for example, maps of relief, climate, vegetation, animals and bird life to find relationships
  4. using geographical terms to explain relationships, for example between the environment and sustaining life
  5. describing the relative location of different features in a place by distance and compass direction. For example, from their home to the local waste management site
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