Geography / Levels 9 and 10 / Geographical Concepts and Skills / Place, space and interconnection
Content description
Identify, analyse and explain significant spatial distributions and patterns and identify and evaluate their implications, over time and at different scales
identifying and describing the major aquatic and terrestrial biomes of Australia and the world, and their spatial distribution
examining how information and communication technologies have made it possible for places in India and the Philippines, for example, to provide a range of global business services
proposing geographical management strategies for the environmental change being investigated, for example, establishing reserves and corridors to preserve biodiversity (a spatial strategy), ecosystem-based management (an environmental strategy), urban planning to reduce energy consumption (a spatial strategy), and addressing the underlying as well as immediate causes of environmental change (holistic thinking)
examining spatial data on human wellbeing in India to identify the regions with different levels of wellbeing, identifying patterns and debating explanations of the differences
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