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Content description VCGGK145

Geography / Levels 9 and 10 / Geographical Knowledge / Environmental change and management
Content description
Environmental, economic and technological factors that influence environmental change and human responses to its management
  1. identifying human-induced environmental changes, such as water and atmospheric pollution, loss of biodiversity, degradation of land, inland and coastal aquatic environments, and evaluating the challenges they pose for the sustainability of environmental functions
  2. evaluating the concept of ecosystem services and the importance of these services for sustainability of biodiversity
  3. discussing whether environmental change is necessarily a problem that should be managed
  4. proposing geographical management strategies for the environmental change being investigated, for example, establishing reserves and corridors to preserve biodiversity (a spatial strategy), ecosystem-based management (an environmental strategy), urban planning to reduce energy consumption (a spatial strategy), and addressing the underlying as well as immediate causes of environmental change (holistic thinking)
  5. applying the concept of place to explain the variety of strategies and solutions to similar environmental changes in different places
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