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Content description VCHHC083

History / Levels 5 and 6 / Historical Concepts and Skills / Historical sources as evidence
Content description
Identify the origin, content features and the purpose of historical sources and describe the context of these sources when explaining daily life in colonial Australia, reasons for migration and causes and effects of Federation
  1. examining two sources of evidence to identify similarities and/or differences, and describing what they reveal about the past
  2. checking publication dates to put information contained in a text in historical context, for example, a 1965 Australian history book may provide a different perspective to one published in 2010
  3. analysing the language used in sources to identify values and attitudes, for example, ‘new Australians’, ‘boat people’
  4. examining a range of sources of evidence to identify similarities and/or differences and describing what they reveal about the past, for example, comparing information in sources to determine views on the effects of migration on the development of Australian society
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