Hindi: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Explain the meaning of simple Hindi words, phrases and gestures, noticing similarities or differences with English or other known languages
recognising that every language has its own words, sounds and gestures that it uses to make meaning
translating and explaining the meaning of Hindi words and expressions often used by children of their age, for example, अच्छा!, comparing with expressions they use in similar situations in English
translating simple classroom texts, such as captions, signs, word lists, charts
demonstrating body language, gestures or facial expressions that they use with families and friends when speaking Hindi, such as moving the head in different ways to mean different things
explaining why particular forms of behaviour accompany interactions such as greetings in Hindi, for example, touching the feet of elders while saying प्रणाम to show respect, and receiving blessings