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Content description VCHIC010

Hindi: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Notice and describe ways in which they use Hindi and English and how these involve different words and behaviours according to the context
  1. noticing differences in ways they communicate with friends and family in Hindi and English, such as using different forms of address in Hindi for relatives on a father’s or mother’s side of the family, for example, बुआ जी for a father’s sister and मौसी जी for a mother’s sister; and using first names in English when addressing parents of their friends
  2. noticing which language they choose to use in which contexts, and when they mix or switch between Hindi, English or other languages, for example, when playing with friends, interacting with grandparents or reciting prayers
  3. noticing aspects of Hindi that relate to culture, such as using terms like दीदी when speaking to a woman who is older but not yet old enough to be addressed as माताजी
  4. describing how it feels to use Hindi in the classroom compared to using it at home or in their community
  5. developing language for talking about language and culture, for example, using terms such as ‘difference’, ‘behaviour’ and ‘culture’, and considering questions such as लोग ऐसा क्यों/किसलिए करते हैं?
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