Use action-oriented language to plan and conduct shared events and activities, such as performances at school assembly, activities with a buddy class or real or simulated shopping transactions
planning presentations or performances for school assemblies or community events such as होली, गाँधी जयंती, using expressions such as आज हम आप के सामने प्रस्तुत करने जा रहे हैं....
working collaboratively to create instructional or procedural texts to demonstrate and explain activities, such as रोटी बनाना; दीया बनाना; राखी बनाना
introducing a buddy class to aspects of Hindi language and associated cultures, for example, presenting a workshop on भांगड़ा or डांडिया, or demonstrating protocols associated with giving or receiving gifts on occasions such as क्रिसमस/बड़ा दिन; ईद; or भाईदूज
participating in authentic or simulated exchanges and transactions, such as ordering in Indian shops or restaurants or buying items from mobile street vendors, using appropriate gestures, expressions and exchanges, for example, हाँ भैया, ये आम कितने के हैं? आप के भोजनालय में सबसे स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन कौन सा है? मुझे दो रोटी के साथ एक दाल मक्खनी दे दीजिएl
carrying out real or simulated transactions and exchanges that involve Indian and Australian currencies, comparing values and associated transactional behaviours