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Content description VCHIC092

Hindi: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in shared activities such as performances, celebrations, presentations or website design that involve planning, collaborating, making arrangements, transacting and negotiating
  1. making decisions about collaborative projects such as displays or performances, discussing roles and responsibilities and sharing ideas, for example, इसके लिए संगीत की व्यवस्था कौन करेगा ? किन चित्रों का उपयोग होगा इसका निर्णय हम कैसे करेंगे ? यदि तुम तबला बजाओगे तो मैं गाऊँगी।
  2. designing a website that provides opportunities for intercultural exchange between themselves and young Hindi-speakers in different contexts, preparing possible stimulus questions such as क्या तुम्हें यह रूपरेखा ठीक लगती है? हमें किस भाषा का प्रयोग करना चाहिए? इस वेबसाइट को कौन देखेगा?
  3. contributing to the planning of presentations or displays that reflect their individual and/or shared experiences of living and communicating across different languages and cultures, for example, composing captions for photos/images or selecting multimodal resources
  4. negotiating details of real or simulated online transactions that involve discussion of comparability, value, price and availability, using terms such as बजट की सीमा, विनिमय दर, पैसे वसूल करना
  5. negotiating differences in opinions or preferences when planning events or excursions, for example, the hosting of an exchange group of students or a visit to a culturally significant site
  6. planning a party menu or picnic, for example, by deciding on elements of a थाली comprised of a selection of their favourite dishes, such as दाल, रोटी, सब्जी, and discussing individual and shared preferences or dislikes, for example, माँसाहारी,शाकाहारी
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