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Content description VCITC007

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Participate in shared reading/viewing of short imaginative texts and respond by drawing, miming, performing and other forms of expression
  1. participating in shared reading of books and digital texts, and deciphering the meaning of a story using illustrations, sounds and animation
  2. making predictions about characters and plot from the cover and illustrations, and at various points in the text before reading on
  3. illustrating a shared class big book, for example, È un uccello. È verde. L’uccello vola. La farfalla è gialla. La rana è verde. La zebra è bianca e nera
  4. sharing feelings about a book/video clip by participating in simple ‘reviews’, writing their names under one of the following statements: Mi piace; Mi piace molto; Non mi piace
  5. taking on the persona of a character through play
  6. reciting and performing chants, rhymes and songs, adding music and actions to support meaning of their own performances, for example, the farfallina counting rhyme: Farfallina bella bianca, vola vola e mai si stanca, vola vola sempre in su, farfallina non c’è più; resti fuori proprio tu
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