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Content description VCITC043

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Listen to, view and read texts and gather information from a range of sources, including concepts drawn from other learning areas
  1. surveying classmates on specific topics and presenting the findings using tables, concept maps, graphs and digital presentations, making comparisons with children’s lifestyles in Italy, for example, Chi? Dove? Quando? Perché? Che cosa?
  2. gathering information by interpreting a range of texts, including signs, instructions, directions and diagrams, and then participating in class discussions on this information or presenting information independently in a variety of forms, for example, using a flowcart to explain the life cycle of a butterfly, or reporting (Metà della classe … La maggior parte … Pochi …. Tanti …. Alcuni … quasi tutti …)
  3. researching topics such as leisure, recycling, the water cycle, the solar system, or geographical features of Italy, in a range of sources, including magazine articles, books and websites, and ordering and sharing the information in print or digital format
  4. reordering information, for example, using tables or concept maps and retrieval charts
  5. viewing documentaries about Australian/Italian cities or the natural environment to complete a list of facts or to collect information to discuss and compare with peers
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