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Content description VCITC062

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Analyse, summarise and share key ideas and information from a range of texts
  1. comparing Italian travel brochures and itineraries, identifying aspects such as transport arrangements, costs, places of interest and accommodation options, for example, to advise visitors or to plan an itinerary for a particular group of visitors, Si può andare a …; sia in treno che in autobus; l’autobus è più economico; costa meno …; può fermarsi a ….
  2. interviewing peers (from their own class or from Italian schools) about routines, practices, preferences and choices, and presenting the findings using formats such as profile posters, charts and timelines, for example, L’esito del questionario sulla musica: il cantante italiano è più popolare, ma quello americano è …
  3. viewing television programs and listening to radio news, and identifying key information, for example, Attenzione, elencare solo le città e i film
  4. summarising the main points of texts, deducing the meaning of some unknown words and phrases, and identifying cultural references, as well as representations, images and other content which contribute to the overall meaning, for example, Alcuni ragazzi vivono in famiglie numerose, con i nonni o in famiglie allargate con nuovi genitori e altri fratelli e sorelle
  5. using a range of tools such as graphs, tables, mind maps, concept maps and charts to organise findings and present them to others
  6. comparing different perspectives on specified topics
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