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Content description VCITC063

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Convey ideas and opinions by creating spoken, written and multimodal texts
  1. creating spoken, written and multimodal texts to inform others about local places, events, activities, recommended places to visit and activities to do with family and friends, for example, Vi consigliamo di visitare … Vi invitiamo a fare il giro della città
  2. designing persuasive texts such as posters and brochures (for example, to advocate for sustainable water use for example, La doccia non deve durare più di tre minuti), or creating a report on the best games or apps to buy
  3. experimenting with language appropriate to particular text types, such as descriptive language in short magazine articles, or emotive language in diary and journal entries, for example, Il concerto è stato un gran successo. Caro diario, che bella giornata! Oggi non ho voglia di andare a scuola. Il documentario parla di …tratta il tema di/si tratta di …
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