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Content description VCITC068

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Participate in intercultural experiences to discuss cultural practices, comparing own and others’ reactions and responses
  1. interacting with members of Italian-speaking communities and sharing own experiences as a learner of Italian, for example, describing duration of learning, place of learning and opinions about the experience
  2. engaging with young Italians, in the local community or virtually, to share and compare information, values and beliefs about topics of interest
  3. reviewing and responding to aspects of cultural practices represented in authentic texts such as advertisements, brochures and menus to discuss the cultural differences that are evident and the reactions of members of the class to these differences
  4. selecting and reflecting on aspects of the Italian language and culture that could easily be adopted in Australia, and explaining reasons for choices
  5. considering how one’s own ideas, practices and responses may be perceived by Italians both in Italy and in Australia
  6. recognising the culture-based assumptions that participants bring to intercultural exchanges
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